
Hi! I’m Kacie. I’m a writer and editor in the Midwest. Our winters are long, cold, and snowy. This site is about helping you find the best ways to stay warm in winter so you can get on with your day.

I believe surviving winter requires:

  • A sense of humor
  • Proper tools and gear
  • Remembering that summer will come eventually. That, or taking a well-timed vacation to a warmer climate

Whoever said, “there’s no bad weather, only bad clothing,” had a point. The right clothing and gear can make all the difference.

I’m one of those people who tends to feel cold all the time. It’s a constant battle for me once the temperatures drop. My kids sometimes tease me about how I’m always freezing. 

As I write this, I’m wearing thick wool socks, slippers, and a hoodie (and pants). I have a blanket on my lap and an electric heat pad resting under my legs. I’m on my third hot drink of the day.

I tend to grumble sometimes about it. Where I live, it can be chilly from October through April. That’s too long to be cold and miserable.

So I decided to do something about it. 

I’m researching the different ways to stay warm (and there’s a lot!). 

I want to share that knowledge with you.

Even if you’ve been through dozens of winters like me, there are always new tricks we can learn.

Staying warm and knowing the best ways to remove snow and ice can help you stay sane through those long, dark, frigid wintery months.

Let’s outsmart winter and have some fun while we’re at it.