Helping You Outsmart Winter

Articles, advice, and reviews

Featured Articles

How to Stay Warm if Your Furnace Goes Out (But You Still Have Electricity)

Here’s how to stay safe and warm if your heater is temporarily not working. Seal your house, choose your warmest room, layer clothes, and add heat.

7 Gifts for People Who Are Always Cold

Shopping for someone who is always cold? Here are gift ideas for any budget.

how to stay warm in a cold office

6 Ways to Stay Warm in a Cold Office

Working in a cold office is bad for productivity AND your health. Here’s how to stay warm in a cold office — even without a space heater

How to Choose a Space Heater and Use it Safely

Portable space heaters can add warmth to a room, but can cause fires. Most fires are caused by user error.

winter clothes for tall women. boots in snow

Winter Clothes for Tall Women — Where to Shop

Where and how to shop for winter clothes for tall women — a roundup of 17 stores that sell parkas, coats, snow pants, and sweaters in tall sizes

how to layer clothes to stay warm outside — use accessories like hats, gloves, and scarves

How to Layer Clothes to Stay Warm Outside

How to layer clothes to stay warm outside, and why it matters. This guide helps you select base, mid, top, and outer layers + accessories.

The Complete Guide to Hand Warmers in 2023

There are several types of hand warmers — disposable, USB rechargeable, refillable, and DIY hand warmers. Which is best for you? This guide helps you choose.

Ocoopa rechargeable hand warmer review

Ocoopa Hand Warmer Review — Sometimes, it’s Too Hot

When are rechargeable hand warmers worth it? In this Ocoopa hand warmer review, I discuss pros and cons to help you decide. It might be too hot for you!

how to stay warm at an outdoor event. Image is snow-covered stadium seats

How to Stay Warm at an Outdoor Event

Here’s everything you need to know on how to stay warm at an outdoor event. This guide offers tips for layering clothes, choosing your seat, and adding heat.


Are you cold, or is it just me?

There are three kinds of people who experience winter:

  1. Those who wear shorts year-round and never seem to get cold. They never let a little frostbite bother them.
  2. Those who tolerate or even hate the season and make do but are often cold anyway. (This is me. I’m trying to become like folks in the next category.)
  3. Those who actually enjoy winter. They’ve figured out how to make the most of it. They know how to stay warm so they can focus on what matters to them.

I’ve written practical advice and product reviews to help you stay warm and outsmart winter. That’s what “snow hacker” means — someone who knows they can’t fight nature but can outsmart it with some savvy and a bag of tricks.

May your drinks be hot, your toes toasty, and your bed cozy.

